We’re excited to announce our new farm location in Washington, NJ! It’s a BEAUTIFUL farm full of scenic views, gorgeous sunrises, and breathtaking sunsets. It’s endless acres of opportunities, hopes, and dreams. It’s going to take lots of blood, sweat, and tears (as well as time!!) to get it to where we want it to be, but we’re excited about the challenge.
No, we’re not moving. And no, we won’t be hosting any of our usual VonThun Farm events up there any time soon. What we will be doing is planning and cleaning and planning and organizing and, well, planning. We’ve got LOTS of planning to do! Eventually we’ll plant crops that we can offer for pick-your-own. And down the road maybe we’ll do a corn maze and have a pumpkin patch and fun fall activities. But that won’t be any time soon.

BUT – we do have some plans for VonThun Farms in Washington for this season…
We are planning to use the farm as a Host Site for our CSA Program. Our Washington CSA Program will differ slightly from our South Brunswick based CSA Program, as it will only be a 12 week program. We’re in our planning stages of this program, so please spread the word to anyone you know in the Washington NJ area that might be interested in joining!

Our new farm came with a barn with horse stalls. (Look…our barns in Washington are RED!!) So guess what … we found a barn manager and we’re getting ready to board horses, give riding lessons, start a kids Saddle Club, and host some other horse programs. We’re SO excited!!
Later this spring, we’ll also welcome some Red Angus beef cows to the family, as there’s plenty of fenced pasture for cows. (The farm’s former owners used to keep water buffalo in the cow pastures. Cool, huh?!) Who knows, maybe in a few years we’ll be able to offer a homegrown Angus beef share option to our CSA program!