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Hopes & Promises

We’re growing! Although Spring is finally here according to the calendar, you’d never know it. But it’s spring at the farm and it has been for weeks- in the greenhouse! The greenhouses provide a much needed temporary solution to the farmers case of Spring Fever. It does a soul good to seed & watch for sprouts, to water and see daily, green growth, and to nurture and feel the hope and promise of a new season. The farmers need that NOW, as that is the motivation they’ll use to face Mother Nature and help them to begin our 2018 growing season.

Currently growing in the greenhouse are seedlings that will be transplanted into the fields when the weather finally breaks … mostly our early season CSA crops, including lettuces, cabbage, kohlrabi, broccoli, cauliflower, and other similar crops that enjoy and thrive in cool, early spring weather. Growing these crops in the greenhouse gives them a ‘head-start’ to the season. They’ll be a few inches tall and pretty well established by the time the farmers can get into the fields to plant – which is still weeks away!

Oh, we’ve got some summer crop seedlings growing in the greenhouse now too – tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, and such. And many of our bedding plant seedlings and hanging baskets were potted and planted last week too. They’ll all be ready for our May 1 opening day…but for now, we’re focused on the hopes and promises of the new season and those early, cool season crops. Spring is right around the corner, and the tilling and planting will soon begin. Our fingers are crossed that Mother Nature will be kind this Spring and that the challenges will be few. For now, we’ll keep growing in the greenhouse & dreaming about those warm, sunny days ahead!

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